Tolerance can develop quickly; a few days to a week of heavy drinking can cause it to take several beers for you to feel a buzz. Doing so will also give it the best chance of fighting the illness effectively. Some people may find that their alcohol tolerance becomes higher with time.

How to take a break and reset your alcohol tolerance

Periods of abstinence can help you avoid building up a tolerance by not giving your body a chance to adapt to the drug. Regular tolerance breaks and moderation are better than periods of binging followed by abstinence. For instance, binging on the weekends and avoiding alcohol during the week could prevent tolerance, but binging can come with some other health risks. Alcohol is the most commonly used recreational substance in the world.

Why Alcohol Tolerance Is Dangerous

Heavy drinking for an extended period of time causes the brain to adjust to alcohol, and these changes mainly happen in the parts of the brain that control pleasure and stress. In addition to feeling less anxious and having better digestion, you may notice bigger changes a few months into sobriety. For instance, your doctor might find that your heart and liver are in better shape, or your skin may have a certain new glow. “Some conditions might improve right away after the drinking stops—if they’re triggered by alcohol,” Dr. Genebriera says. “Most of the dermatological conditions that are worsened by heavy drinking will slowly normalize over time after cutting out alcohol,” Dr. Genebriera says. Exactly how much time may vary according to the condition and the individual.

“Be sure to incorporate non-alcoholic beverage in between alcoholic beverages,” adds Jones. “Alcohol should not be consumed to quench thirst, water is preferable for this.” You can even reach for one of the best no-alcohol mocktails you can buy for a tasty alternative. In other words, a break from compulsive, heavy drinking can do a body good. Except in a few cases where a person is chemically dependent on alcohol.

Crafting the Perfect Beer: Discover the Art of Beer Making

However, it is possible to lose your level of tolerance to alcohol, particularly if you quit drinking. If at any time during this process you begin to develop unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, insomnia, or seizures, it is important to consult your doctor right away. Such symptoms indicate that physical dependence on alcohol has formed, and it is necessary to participate in a formal detox program to ensure your safety. Steps to Lowering Your Alcohol Tolerance
Developing alcohol tolerance can indicate greater problems for you down the road, so it is best not to ignore the signs of tolerance. A higher tolerance means you are likely to drink more at one time, which puts you at risk for experiencing adverse and potentially dangerous side effects from alcohol. If you have a developed an alcohol tolerance that you are ready to address, there are safe ways to lower it.

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Decide why you want to stop drinking

Josep Genebriera, M.D., a dermatologist at Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, points out that drinking causes both short-term flushing and long-term changes to your skin. When your body how to take a break from drinking breaks down alcohol, it triggers the release of hormones like estrogen and histamine. It can also enlarge or damage blood vessels—all of which have the ability to impact your skin’s appearance.

How to take a break and reset your alcohol tolerance